Looking back to past Luftgekuhlt weekends, it was an epic one. Of course, I am talking about the event that celebrates air-cooled Porsche's. This event is called Luftgekühlt, which is the fourth event that has been held to date.

Luftgekühlt 4 was held at the port in San Pedro, California. It was a fantastic venue, but unfortunately, the rain has to make an appearance in the early morning. Rain is not a bad thing by any means.
As usual, I got to the event very early, and had to wait to get in. I stood in the rain until it was time to enter... it was alright through. I was able to get some nice panning shots and listen to the amazing air cooled Porsches drive in.

After I checked in and got my ticket scanned and wristband strapped on, I made my way into the venue to see what was around. The lot outside looked like an old shipyard / warehouse. Inside is where all the magic happened.

It was not just the vehicles, but artwork as well, which created a great contrast with the air cooled pieces of art.

Vehicles ranged from early era Porsches, all the way through some La Mans winning cars and even the ultra rare Porsche 959 (And yes, not just one, but two made an appearance).
It was an amazing show of vehicles and am looking forward to the next event!