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Raining and cold, it was hard to get out of bed at 6:00am... but hey, it was for cars.

After getting over myself and getting my butt out of bed, I had a nice rainy drive down to Newport Beach to attend one of my favorite car shows in Southern California, Moulin Cars and Cafe.

This event is put on by one of my friends and fellow photographer, Ted7. Many of you probably know him, or know of his work. I would like to thank him for taking time to put this event on!

Upon arriving, I was greeted by an amazing Lamborghini Huracan, equipped with the Vorsteiner kit and wheels. I must say, it looks fantastic (This is coming from a guy who does not usually like body kits).

I did have a feeling this was going to be low turnout show, and it was. But that did not matter, The brave supercar owners still made an appearance and brought out their prized possessions.

After watching a few vehicles roll in for about 30 minutes, my stomach started grumbling at me. I took a stroll into Moulin and bought myself a delicious chocolate croissant. Even if you are semi-interested about automobiles, you need to head over to Moulin for the food... it is amazing.

Over the next 2 hours, cars arrived and departed. Conversations were had. Basically, a nice mellow time with other automotive enthusiasts. My kind of place.

Ok, that is enough text to read for now. Like in school, I always liked looking at the pictures then actually reading. So, here are some of the photos from today. Enjoy!


A few months ago, I was lucky enough to photograph a pair of Ferrari 488's.

It was a very early morning, waking up around 4:50am so that I could get my butt in the car and drive down to Crystal Cove in Southern California. Luckily, this drive was only about 30 minutes... so I will stop with my complaining.

Upon arriving, a cup of coffee was enjoyed with my buddy Tyler Lee, who was gracious enough to get up and assist me with my shoot. Once the vehicles arrived, it was time to get down to business before people started waking up and making their way to breakfast. It was fantastic shooting this early, we did not have many people out, so the open roads were ours for the taking.

We started with some rolling shots while the roads were clear and before the light got contrasty (which isn't even a word).

After the rolling shots were taken care of, we then moved on to the still and detail shots. It was fun spending some time with these newly twin turboed Ferraris. They are incredible. The details are perfection and everything has a function, which is amazing. These vehicles combine performance and elegance into one vehicle. There is a reason why Ferrari has stayed on top of the automotive game for so long.

I know this blog post was very short. It has been forever since I have made a post. I really want to get back into making posts about my automotive adventures. Again, thank you for reading and enjoying my photographs. I defiantly did not spend much time making this post, as you can probably tell. Just deal with it :)


This is the new Bugatti Chrion! I was lucky enough to see it when it made its swing into Southern California. I believe this was the same vehicle that was displayed in Geneva a few months back. I am really excited to see these hit the streets of SoCal sometime soon. I also can not wait until I get to shoot one :)

Anyways, here is a mini tutorial on a few really quick edits.



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